( See the English text below )
- Récolté en contre saison, ce miel est unique car il est produit exclusivement grâce au nectar des plantes essentiellement dites BOKASSA.
- Origine : Les forets de L’Est et du centre Cameroun plus précisément dans lieux humides
- Miel d’Exception
- Nombres d’étoiles : 5
Eupatorium Chavrine ”ST BOKASSA” honey 5 Stars 250g
- Harvested in the off-season, this honey is unique because it is produced exclusively from the nectar of plants essentially known as BOKASSA.
- Origin: The forests of East and Central Cameroon, more precisely in humid areas
- Honey of Exception
- Number of stars : 5
- Harvested during the off-season, this honey is unique because it is produced exclusively from the nectar of plants essentially known as BOKASSA, after the flowering period of this plant, it is impossible to obtain this honey. This honey can no longer be obtained because the flowers have faded.
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